Sericulture an inventive farming in transforming the socio economic conditions of the Zaheerabad cluster farmers of Telangana state


  • B. Srinath
  • P. Sudhakar
  • P. Sudhakar
  • P. Sudhakar


Bivoltine, Sericulture, Disease Free Layings, Silkworm rearing, mulberry cultivation


Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP) was implemented under XI & XII five year plans during 2013-2019 in India for boosting the bivoltine sericulture development to uplift the socio economic conditions of the seri-farming community. Central Silk Board (CSB) and State Sericulture departments have jointly launched the CPP all over India. Out of 17 clusters choose to develop Bivoltine sericulture in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States, Zaheerabad was selected as one of the potential cluster to impart CPP during 2013-2019. During the 5 years period a total of 11.89 lakhs DFLs were distributed as against 11.60 lakh target among 5295 farmers with 102.5% achievement. A total of 11.23 lakh DFLs were harvested generating 768.84MT Bivoltine cocoon contributing in the generation of 10.98MT of raw silk during the period. The cocoon yield was recorded as 67.81kg per 100 DFLs as against the bench mark yield of 39.45kg with 71.89% fold increase. During the cluster implementation period the sericultural farming community have fetched the average market rate of Rs. 346.40 per kg is significantly higher (74.51%) than the average market rate of Rs. 198.50 recorded as benchmark before initiation of the CPP venture. All the above achievements happened because of undertaking 271.30 acres of V1 & G4 new mulberry plantation in improved spacing among 194 farmers contributing to horizontal sericultural development and through the extensive organization of 53 extension & communication programmes  (ECPs) viz. Group discussions, Awareness programmes, Farmers days, Field days, Farmers trainings, Farmers study tours,  Exhibitions and Film shows sensitising more than 2322 farmers on improved technologies under the Cluster Promotion Programme during 2014-2019. Due to all the above through the intensive implementation of CPP has not only achieved the bivoltine sericulture development at anticipated level but also contributed in accelerating the socioeconomic conditions of the Telangana farming community under CPP, Zaheerabad.




How to Cite

B. Srinath, P. Sudhakar, P. Sudhakar and P. Sudhakar (2020) “Sericulture an inventive farming in transforming the socio economic conditions of the Zaheerabad cluster farmers of Telangana state”, International Journal of Research in BioSciences (IJRBS), 9(3), pp. 1-6. Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).


