Isolation of fresh water Cyanobacterial DNA of north east India by modified Xanthogenate method


  • Avijeet Singh O.
  • Oinam Gunapati
  • Ojit Singh K.
  • Tiwari O.N.


Cyanobacteria, DNA, north east India, xanthogenate


The genomic DNA of fresh water cyanobacteria collected from different ecological habitats of North East region of India were hard to isolate and effectively with reproducible results by Xanthogenate method of Tiellat and Nielan and CTAB method due to the presence of high polysaccharides but can be isolated by the modified xanthogenate method particularly by Xanthogenate-SDS-Phenol with modifications providing results in less time with more consistency. This method can isolate genomic DNA belonging to the three major families of cyanobacteria based on Desikachary viz. Oscillatoriaceae, Nostocacea and Rivulariaceae. Isolation of genomic DNA from purified cyanobacterial cultures obtained from National Facility for Fresh water cyanobacterial and Microalgal repository at Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Imphal, Manipur, India viz. Plectonema indica, Plectonema notatum, Limnothrix redekei, Anabaenopsis sp., Phormidium sp Nostoc sp., Calothrix sp., Tolypothrix sp., Anabaena spiroides, Wollea sp., Cylindrospermum sp., Nostoc commune, Rivularia sp. and Phormidium tenue were studied and its downstream applicability for doing PCR techniques like 16S rRNA and RAPD profiling were done.




How to Cite

Avijeet Singh O., Oinam Gunapati, Ojit Singh K. and Tiwari O.N. (2013) “Isolation of fresh water Cyanobacterial DNA of north east India by modified Xanthogenate method”, International Journal of Research in BioSciences (IJRBS), 2(2), pp. 75-82. Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).


