The study correlation of hookworm infection and mean corpuscular haemoglonbin concentration in rural pre-school children population of Aurangabad (M.S.), India


  • Avhad S. B.
  • Hiware C. J.
  • Bhattacharya M.


Hookworm infection, Mean corpuscular haemoglonbin concentration, Aurangabad


The study Correlation of hookworm infection and Mean corpuscular haemoglonbin concentration was carried out in rural Pre-school children population of Aurangabad (M.S), India. The sampling method was stratified random sampling. Sample size was calculated which was 547 and the subjects were selected from the above locality. Among the sampled population 158 were found hookworm positive. Stool and blood samples of hookworm positive cases were taken who were 158 in number, and calculation of M.C.H.C. level and hookworm infection burden in terms of No. of ova per gm of faeces was made. Haemoglobin level was estimated by cyanmethaemoglobin method and packed cell volume by microhaematocrit method. Quantitative estimation of hookworm ova in stool was carried out by stoll’s modified egg counting technique. Results of the study showed a significant relationship between M.C.H.C. level and No of hookworm ova per gram of faeces (r = - 927), a strong negative correlation.




How to Cite

Avhad S. B., Hiware C. J. and Bhattacharya M. (2012) “The study correlation of hookworm infection and mean corpuscular haemoglonbin concentration in rural pre-school children population of Aurangabad (M.S.), India”, International Journal of Research in BioSciences (IJRBS), 2(1), pp. 66-72. Available at: (Accessed: 22January2025).


